Sunday, November 24, 2019

Discussion Board Example

Discussion Board Example Discussion Board – Coursework Example February 7, Psychology Discussion Research can be done several ways. The paper delves on the research methods. The paperfocuses on the god-related research. Ungodly research should be avoided. Statement 1: â€Å"Research methods†¦godly.† The book of 1 John’s verse 1 espouses that we should not believe all spirit (Wiersbe, 2011). Instead, people should test whether each spirit is from God or not. The verse continues to state that many false prophets crop up in our world. The verse requires everyone to research whether someone who claims to be Christ or from God. Test can be done several ways (methods). One test is to use the statistics tools (Coolican, 2013). Statistics tools include variance analysis, mean, median, standard deviation or mode. Test can be done by asking confirmatory information from another person or source. During Christ’s time, the temple religious leaders believed Jesus blasphemed because Jesus claims to be God’s son. To test inc ludes determining whether the act of the person complies with God’s espoused concepts or instructions. Statement 2: â€Å"Research methods†¦ungodly.†Genesis 2, verse 17 affirms research methods can be ungodly (Wiersbe, 2011). The verse prohibits Adam and Eve to engaging in research, they are prohibited from determining whether God is telling the truth. God prohibits Adam and Eve from eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge. However, Adam and Eat became curious. The snake, Satan, convince the two humans to eat the fruit from the tree of life. Eating the fruit is one prohibited research method. One research method is to cook the apple before eating. Another research method is eating raw apple (not cooked). Based on the above verse discussions, research can be done in many ways. The bible espouses godly research. However, some individuals prefer ungodly research. Evidently, ungodly research must be evaded for being violating God’s instructions.References: Coolican, H. (2013). Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. New York: Routledge Press.Wiersbe, W. (2011). The Wiersbe Bible Study Series. New York: David Cook. Discussion Board Example Discussion Board – Article Example Graduate Undergraduate and Graduate School February 8, 2013Graduate vs. Undergrad I remember when I first entered undergraduate and I thought this is going to be fun. There will be many discussions and lectures and projects and I will learn what I want to do, but in graduate it is even more fun even though now I am in my chosen field graduate school is where I can make changes in my field to improve the many facets in education, administration and how the public views my field of study. I expect much more writing in graduate school than in undergraduate. There will be more analysis to go along with more lectures. These lectures will be mainly what the professors have contributed to the particular area of study, so this will lead to a lot more reading. In an undergraduate learning community you are learning all the basic information, the terminology of your field and it is the preparation for beginning work in your chosen field of study. The undergraduate community is where you are ma king connections with what is taught in the classroom and making connections with others in the fields. A graduate learning community is where you are reading, writing, and analyzing what is already in your field and you will be able to make possible changes and you will be able to ask questions about how you can go about making adjustments to the field. Graduate school is when you can share your own working experience in your field of study and to expand your knowledge and to see how you can make the necessary changes that you think are important.(Grand Canyon University, 2011) Graduate school is also a time to see if maybe you will want to teach or do research. Graduate school is the time that you can find different ways to improve learning in all fields of study. This is a time that students make judgments about their fields and look for more ideas that will improve their profession. ReferenceGrand Canyon University. â€Å"Being a Graduate Student† (Handout) Published by Grand Canyon University; (2011) Discussion Board Example Discussion Board – Article Example Ethical Use of Power in Management Power in the management context can be defined as the possession of command and control. It is defined as having authority over others who have low ranks and positions. The ethical use of power is usually governed by a set of morals and values. The person exercising the power employs ethical values and morals in order to exercise power ethically. Determining whether power has been used in an ethical way is a difficult exercise. This is because ethical behavior is a relative phenomenon. There is no clear cut line that distinguishes between ethical and unethical behavior. One uses their own discretion to determine what counts as ethical and what does not. Ethics and its application in management are determined by the conditions in the immediate environment, state of mind, timing and the current state of affairs.The ultimate goal of the attribution theory is to help a person, and in this case manager, to comprehend the reason behind a certain human beh avior. This is based on the fact that people need to link causes to behaviors as opposed to assuming that these behaviors are random. This theory fronts that supervisors should react in ways that bring out the positive attitudes of the subordinates (Martinko, 2006). Managers can mitigate the negative outcomes of political behavior by steering clear of taking political sides. Since he is the manager and the overall in charge, he should exercise restraint from leaning towards any political affiliation and should instead act as an authoritative father figure who unites all who are under him (Martinko, 2006).The people in the work environment are often less empowered because the managers exercise all the powers and decision making. This state can be improved by delegating duties to the various subordinates there by instilling a sense of belonging, empowerment and responsibility in them (Martinko, 2006).ReferenceMartinko, M. J. (2006). Attribution theory: an organizational perspective. N ew York: St. Lucie Press. Discussion Board Example Discussion Board – Coursework Example Finance and Accounting Discussion Board of Finance and Accounting Discussion Board PepsiCo is the company that is engaged in making beverages like soft drinks, juices, pure water, tea and energy drinks. Its brands are Tropicana, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, and others. Manufacturing businesses use different techniques in order to manage the cost so to achieve the main goal of the business to increase its profits. PepsiCo also requires Contemporary management technique to achieve its success factors. They have to work on the cost area for their purpose.The accountants of the company could play their role in minimizing the cost. Accountants are advised to apply standard costing method for the purpose. In this method, the expected cost is calculated at the time of purchasing raw material and before the manufacturing process is started. Although a variance is to be found between the actual cost and expected cost but it could be managed by the accountants later. Expected cost will provide help to the accountants to identify the selling price of the product after it is being manufactured. The help in determining the expected cost could be taken by the software as well in the modern world (Marie & Rao, 2010).Accountants could control the cost during the manufacturing process through the strategies such as economies of scale. Economies of scale refer to the units of the products to be manufactured so to set the cost at equilibrium point. The target set by the accountants that the units of products would be that could change later. For example, company has the target to produce 100000 liters of Pepsi but it is found that the units cost is not enough that it could not be recover the accountants could change the strategy (Shi, 2012). References ListMarie, A., & Rao, A. (2010). Is Standard Costing Still Relevant? Evidence from Dubai. Management Accounting Quarterly, 11(2), 1-10.Shi, H. (2012). Economies of scale in the Australian tourism industry. Applied Economics., 44(33), 13.

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