Thursday, December 5, 2019

Discussion Board Doctoral Level Researcher †Free Sample

Question: Doctoral learners becoming researcher/scholars must be able to produce original, written academic works and to evaluate the calibre and originality of their writing and the writing of others. At the same time, all research has its foundation in other research. How can you as a doctoral level researcher balance producing your own original research with recognizing and crediting the works you use as your research foundation? Answer: A researcher must produce original writing at the level of his/her doctorate. The researcher must acquire knowledge from various previous research work of same field of study. Therefore, the researcher must evaluate the previous work and incorporate the previous research work within the particular research work. As stated by Craig (2010) a researcher needs to provide knowledge as well as skill about this particular research study. The researcher needs to focus upon the gap of the previous research work. Therefore, the researcher should focus upon that gap of various types of previous study. The researcher then investigates the gap with proper analysis. Therefore, the researcher has to compare major findings as well as theories of different books or journals. Researcher here uses theories those are made by another scholar. A research work has not been completed without necessary theories and concepts of the particular field. The researcher needs to incorporate those ideas with own research. Therefore Patton (2008) stated that, while using others work in own study material, proper acknowledgment and accurate reference are very important factors in order to complete the whole research work. Referencing style should be properly placed with page numbers. The researcher should clearly state the source while utilizing a theory or model in that particular research study. Acknowledgment should be placed after the cover page of this particular research study. The authors of the research study should be properly acknowledged with due respect of his/her research work. Providing proper acknowledge is very important part for balancing the work of others while completing own research. Reference list Books Craig, I. (2010). Measuring Academic Research: How to Undertake a Bibliometric Study Learn Pub., 23(3), pp.270-271 Journal Patton, M. (2008) Utilization-focused evaluation Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.

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