Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay On The Border - 1547 Words

Hey kid, get up. The border guards are coming around. The girl stirred at the gruff voice. The man, her train seatmate on the outer side, turned back seeing that she was awake. She rubbed her eyes groggily and stretched, then reached into her bag for a leather-bound booklet. She handed it to the man wordlessly. The guard approached her row and quickly leafed through the two booklets the man handed to him. Clarke...Orcutt...34, he mumbled, and handed back the mans booklet. Brook...Borrego Springs. He paused and looked her up and down. 15. He handed Brook back her passport, and she grimaced at the stains his hands left on the cover. You got a problem? The guard said. No, sir. Brook stuttered, startled. The guard snickered†¦show more content†¦Tears welled up in the boy’s eyes, and he began whimpering. Wait, hold on! Please dont cry! Brook quickly fumbled through her bag and handed him a handful of crumpled bills. His face immediately brightened and flashed a toothy grin. â€Å"Thanks missus!† The boy said, before taking off. Brook smiled giddily at her deed, but couldn’t help noticing the boy and his friends laughing and pointing in her direction a few minutes later. â€Å"Have you met anyone named Diana [last name]? She’s kinda short and has long brown hair? She should have started coming here around four years ago.† â€Å"Sorry miss, haven’t seen her.† â€Å"It’s okay, thanks ma’am.† Brook exited the grocery store with another dead end. She held the door for a man on crutches, and then walked back towards the town square with her head buried in her map. She’d checked all the stores and public buildings in the town, including an old library maintained by a benevolent old historian and a few middle-aged volunteers. None yielded information about her sister that lasted more than a few people before going nowhere. She reached the town square as the sun started setting and plopped down on a creaky bench by the city hall. A crowd of picketers stood closeby at the building’s entrance, but she slowly tuned them out. She laid her head back on the bench and stared idly at the clouds floating by. Clouds separate and scatter allShow MoreRelatedThe Border Fence Essay1339 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Brian Wagner Eng-1102-115 Essay #1- The Border Fence 9/16/13 In the essay â€Å"The Fence of Lies† the author Mario Vargas Llosa’s thesis is that the border fence between Mexico and the United States is a bad idea and a waste of taxpayer’s money. Some of the main points he uses to strengthen his argument are that it is purely a political ploy to get officials re-elected, that the fence is far too costly and the construction will never happen, and the money should be spent elsewhere. In additionRead MoreBorder Essay1139 Words   |  5 Pagesplace that looked like a tornado hit it. This motel was nothing like that; it was pretty nice and very spacious. We got back on the road and within three to four hours we arrived at the border. I don’t know why, but for some reason, I got really nervous, even though there was nothing to worry about. We passed the border and then an hour or so later we arrived at the marina. We had to wait a while for the boats to get brought out, so we ended up going to this really good restaura nt. I had this CanadianRead MoreBorders and Boundries Essay1294 Words   |  6 PagesBorders and Boundaries In John Sayles movie â€Å"Lone Star† and in Silko’s article â€Å"The Border patrol State†, the main idea in both the readings revolve around the racial discrimination and the racism based on the ethnicity on the U.S Borders. Both the readings have the clues and evidences where the authors are challenging the conventional notions of the borders in the U.S. Silko, on one hand, sees the border patrol as a governmental assembly addicted to interrogation, torture, and the murder of thoseRead MoreBorder Patrol Essay1156 Words   |  5 Pages United States Border Patrol has been around since 1904 enforcing and regulating laws under the immigration and Nationality Act. U.S. border patrol is now under the Department of Homeland Security, which was created as a response to the attacks of September 11, 2001. Over the years, their jurisdiction and missions have changed to better protect the safety of nation. Although border patrol is a need for any nation, their extensive acceptations to constitutional laws can often be taken advantageRead MoreMexico Border Essay1661 Words   |  7 Pagesaccessibility of care for the people living along the US – Mexico border. This study will include infectious diseases, substance abuse as well as issues facing women and children. The combination of many social factors including increased poverty and drug use, limited healthcare and low self-efficacy are all impacting the rates of disease and are now past levels currently being experienced by other areas of both countries3. Border health issues are often difficult to track and follow due to theRead MoreEssay on Introduction to Border Security1026 Words   |  5 PagesIn the event of a threat crossing the border, the term biosecurity covers attempts to contain and if that fails, how the threat is controlled and managed (Goldson, 2011). To have an effective biosecurity system all of New Zealand has to work together. This includes the government, industries and individual New Zealanders. Biosecurity does not just happen at the border; it includes managing risks before they get access to the border as well as within the border (Biosecurity New Zealand, 2009). 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I felt like I was unfortunate because I didn’t have a new outfit every week, and I couldn’t get a new pair of shoes every time I walked out the door, but that all changed the summerRead MoreA World Without Borders Essay1239 Words   |  5 Pagesthe technological extension of consciousness.† Internet’s functionalities, with improved bandwidth rates, real-time interaction, and image-rich virtual environment, have changed the way people communicate, act, and deal in a global space without borders. Yet, the unexpected growth of the Internet took a further step in changing trading by breaking down the barriers of brick-and-mortars stores. Today, e-commerce is the new platform for developing new storefronts. The importance of E-Commerce goesRead More The Border Patrol State Essay1148 Words   |  5 PagesThe Border Patrol State In â€Å"The Border Patrol State† Leslie Silko makes accusations of the border patrol’s mistreatment of American citizens of Mexican decent, making the argument with almost evidence. Silko, a critically acclaimed poet, sees the border patrol as a governmental assembly addicted to interrogation, torture, and the murder of those they see fit. Leslie Silko certainly makes accusations that some could argue far exceed the boundaries of journalism integrity, and fail to deliver

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Continuity And Theory Of Continuity - 897 Words

Continuity and discontinuity are two theories in developmental psychology that attempt to explain how people change throughout their lives. The continuity theory states that a person changes throughout life along a smooth course, while the discontinuity theory states that people change abruptly. Merriam-Webster defines continuity as an uninterrupted connection, succession, or union, or an uninterrupted duration or continuation especially without essential change. Change is defined as to make different to alter, to make radically different, to transform, or to give a different position, course, or direction to. Changes may be described as a variety of someone’s social, and behavioral makeup like their emotions, traditions, beliefs, habits or personality. Rousseau, can be said to be a supporter of the theory of continuity, as he believed that the ignorance of the natural child could lead to harmful adult outcomes through society’s ignorant mishandling of parenting, education and socialization. The assumption was that each stage built on and requiring the successful completion of each previous stage. Sigmund Freud and Jean Piaget, were believers in continuity. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development could be explained through a smooth and steady sequence of stages from the sensorimotor stages of infancy to the formal operational stage achieved in adolescence. Piaget’s theory also assumed the importance of early development as the necessary foundation for further developmentShow MoreRelatedThe Continuity Theory Of Aging894 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction The belief that people cope with life better by applying familiar strategies based on their past experiences is the continuity theory of aging. This paper will review this theory, as well as discuss an interview done with an elderly individual, and how the interview relates to the continuity theory. Theory The continuity theory of aging is the belief that older adults will usually maintain the same relationships, behaviors, and activities as they did in their earlier years. Kali andRead MoreContinuity Theory of Adult Aging Essay3363 Words   |  14 Pagesthat some of her belongings are to be split amongst her children, but leaves much of what she owns to her local church, as would be expected. She does not drive and so relies on her nurse to drive her to the store and to church. Theory of Aging The continuity theory of aging contends that â€Å"older adults will usually maintain the same personality, values, morals, and basic patterns of behaviors as they did in the earlier years of their life, regardless of the life changes they may encounter,† (CiteRead MoreDiscuss The Regional Continuity Theory And Elaborating On The Out Of Africa Theory Essay1777 Words   |  8 Pageswhere modern humans originated from. The first theory, out of Africa, discusses modern humans evolving in Africa. They migrated out to Eurasia and as the time went on their species evolved independently and developed into distinct species. All other human populations were eventually replaced with no interbreeding involved in the process and Homo sapiens had successfully dominated the rest of the world. On the other hand, the second theory, regional continuity, says that our earliest hominid ancestorsRead MoreThe Issue Of Personal Identity Essay1529 Words   |  7 Pagesultimately Rosenkranztâ€⠄¢s endurance view, the theory of self-recognition by intimate internal referential relation to oneself known through memory and inner awareness as the best solution to the problem of the criterion for determining persons’ persisting over time. However I will first examine the views of three other influential philosophers and show why Rosenkrazt’s theory is in the end better. First we will explore Sydney Shoemaker and his theory of memory as a criterion for personal identityRead MoreDisengagement Theory Is The First Formal Theory Of Aging873 Words   |  4 PagesDisengagement theory is the first formal theory of aging. It was first proposed in 1961 by Elaine Cumming and William Hendry. They both were researchers from the University of Chicago. The two developed their theory in their book Growing Old: The Process of Disengagement. In the book they criticized the implicit theory that people can adjust, be satisfied, and happy in old age. They can also be physically in volved and remain active throughout their lives. â€Å"Cumming and Henry argued that normal agingRead MoreHuman s Personality And Preferences May Change Over Time972 Words   |  4 Pagesthe mental states grounds the notion of psychological continuity. Raising the problem of circularity in the memory theory, I will explain how to amend the psychological continuity to avoid the problem. At first, philosophers used the same body theory to explain personal identity. They assume that a person at one time is the very same person as a person later if and only if they have the same body. However, one problem of the same body theory is that biologically the body is constantly changing. ARead MorePersonal Identity And Social Identity1241 Words   |  5 Pagesperson to his/her theory view will be summarized and a counterexample will be provided to attempt to disprove the brain view, this will also be done for the the memory continuity theory. Then, the psychological continuity theory will be provided as the most probable The brain-as-person theory and the memory continuity theory seem to be plausible but do not accommodate the existence of personal identity as well as the psychological continuity theory. At one point in time, the theory that a human beingRead MoreThe Psychological Approach Of Personal Identity And It s Persistence Over Time741 Words   |  3 PagesHowever, other theories come into play and reject the psychological approach to explaining personal identity and it’s persistence over time; claims that continuity of the brain and memory are not enough to explain and confirm personal identity are made. These theories include the biological approach, the dualist theory, and the materialist approach from Shoemaker, which involves the memory theory. Through the review of these theories respectively, a clearer understanding of personal identity canRead MoreAnalysis Of John Locke And The Problem Of Personal Identity1622 Words   |  7 Pagesthe nature of identity, persons, and immorality (Jacobsen, 2016). This essay will discuss the three themes John Locke presents in his argument regarding personal identity, which are, the concept of categories, substance vs. man vs . person, and the continuity of consciousness. Categories Locke argues that we cannot compare something until we have an idea of what category the thing being discussed will the placed under. He elaborates on this notion and argues that asking whether something is the sameRead MorePersonal Contiguity And Personal Identity736 Words   |  3 Pagessaid to the same person, persisting through time. Personal continuity or also called personal persistence in psychology, is the uninterrupted connection that concerns between a particular person of his or her private life and personality. Personal continuity is the property of a connected and continuous period of time, it is also related with the person body of physical being in a single four-dimension continuum. With the decision theory, the primary subject would be rational choice. people have

Friday, December 13, 2019

How Ot Manage Stress Free Essays

How to manage stress When it comes to how to manage stress, there are loads of methods to deal with this problem. Today, with the increasing number of people getting overwhelmed pressure on their study or job, more and more people are paying their attention to how to solve stress problem more effectively. In this essay, we are going to talk about how to manage people’s stress physically and emotionally. We will write a custom essay sample on How Ot Manage Stress or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1. How to manage stress physically Engaging with people’s pressure in physical method means to do some regular physical exercise or sport in order to reduce stress, such as yoga, walking, gardening or any other physical exercise that people like. The purpose is to make people have time and space to release themselves into a peaceful relaxation. The following method will show that. 1. 1Regular Exercise Doing some regular exercise such as Yoga, gardening, working, jogging or any other physical activities that people like after work or study are able to lower people’s heart rates, blood pressure and oxygen consumption (Treven, Treven, Zizek, 2011). In addition, it also will let your physical body into a state of peaceful relaxation. 1. 2 A Deep Breath This is the simplest method to deal with stress that people have. All people need to do is climbing a top of the mountain, then have a sit, try to get rig of all the trouble inside your mind. 2. How to manage stress emotionally 2. 1 Release of Emotions The reason why a plenty of people who are suffer from the overwhelmed pressure is that they always keep their stress inside mind instead of pouring it out. So at this point, people need toâ€Å"letting off some steam†(Donvan, 1991), which means expressing emotion to others. Communication with closed friends or colleague is a good way to heal issue of pressure, on the other hand, people are also able to chat with parents and family relatives, who are understand each other easily than anyone. Under this circumstance, people would put themselves into harmony surroundings, so the pressure will disappear immediately. 2. 2 Getting assistance from the social support Firstly, people could search help from the professional institution which focus on studying on stress. In this manner, people will find out their original issue of pressure as soon as possible, and then listen advises from the professional experts. In addition, marriage is also a way to deal with manage, according to the survey from a double who all earn money, women with spouse will heal quicker from the daily stress than the woman who don’t have one(Novotney,2008 as cited in Treven, Treven, Zizek,2011 ). 2. 3 Letting go Mostly, people will feel stressful because of the heavy workload, Andrew Weil, the natural health guru, said thatâ€Å"individual should get rid of what he can spare†(Wei, 1997 as cited in Treven, Treven, Zizek,2011 ), which means people should throw away the unimportant things, people should make their life more simpler and easier instead of being complicated. Conclusion In general, it is divided into two separated section about how to manage stress, physically and emotionally. Taking a deep breath at a high place and engaging some regular exercise belong to physically section. Releases emotions, getting help from professional and throw away the unimportant things belong to emotional section. People should select the proper technique for managing stress wisely according their own needs. How to cite How Ot Manage Stress, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Discussion Board Doctoral Level Researcher †Free Sample

Question: Doctoral learners becoming researcher/scholars must be able to produce original, written academic works and to evaluate the calibre and originality of their writing and the writing of others. At the same time, all research has its foundation in other research. How can you as a doctoral level researcher balance producing your own original research with recognizing and crediting the works you use as your research foundation? Answer: A researcher must produce original writing at the level of his/her doctorate. The researcher must acquire knowledge from various previous research work of same field of study. Therefore, the researcher must evaluate the previous work and incorporate the previous research work within the particular research work. As stated by Craig (2010) a researcher needs to provide knowledge as well as skill about this particular research study. The researcher needs to focus upon the gap of the previous research work. Therefore, the researcher should focus upon that gap of various types of previous study. The researcher then investigates the gap with proper analysis. Therefore, the researcher has to compare major findings as well as theories of different books or journals. Researcher here uses theories those are made by another scholar. A research work has not been completed without necessary theories and concepts of the particular field. The researcher needs to incorporate those ideas with own research. Therefore Patton (2008) stated that, while using others work in own study material, proper acknowledgment and accurate reference are very important factors in order to complete the whole research work. Referencing style should be properly placed with page numbers. The researcher should clearly state the source while utilizing a theory or model in that particular research study. Acknowledgment should be placed after the cover page of this particular research study. The authors of the research study should be properly acknowledged with due respect of his/her research work. Providing proper acknowledge is very important part for balancing the work of others while completing own research. Reference list Books Craig, I. (2010). Measuring Academic Research: How to Undertake a Bibliometric Study Learn Pub., 23(3), pp.270-271 Journal Patton, M. (2008) Utilization-focused evaluation Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Darwinism Essays (1611 words) - Charles Darwin,

Darwinism The question of how man evolved has been pondered since man first stepped foot on this planet. Many great philosophers and explorers have made attempts to try to answer this question. Charles Darwin was one of these people. Darwin led a full life of exploration, and during these adventures, he accumulated much information about evolution. He met many explorers that had various ideas of their own about how man evolved. In discussion with these people, he figured out if what they were telling him was fact or fiction. This helped him to formulate his own theory. Curiosity was aroused in Darwin at a very young age. He was one of those children that are always into things, trying to find out how things work. He was especially interested in the outdoors. He was a very smart child, but his father, Robert Waring Darwin II, didn't think so. Darwin had a youth unmarked by the slightest trace of genius. (Rachels,7). This didn't stop Darwin, though. He never lost this curiosity throughout the years. At the age of 18, he made a very important discovery about flustra, which is 1. That the ova of the Flustra possess organs of motion and 2. That the small black globular body hithero mistaken for the young Fucus lorious is in reality the ovum of the Pontobdella Muricata. (Rachels,7). In the early 1800's, a group of naturalists led by Captain FitzRoy, were planning an overseas trip, which they called the Voyage of the Beagle. They invited Darwin along, not as a naturalist, but as a helper. Through this trip, Darwin met many explorers that had their own theories about evolution. The first theory, which is the best known and most widely accepted one, is creationism. Creationism states that God created the heavens and the earth. This is the theory stated in the Bible, and many people believe this and preach this theory daily. Many people attend church at least once a week to engage in discussion about their beliefs. This isn't the only theory, though. James Hutton introduced a different approach to evolution. His theory, uniformitarianism, suggests that the prominent features of the earth's surface were produced by forces like wind, water, and weather over a long period of time. His theory was only partly true. It explains the question how fossils form, but it really doesn't thoroughly explain evolution. Another theory of evolution is catastrophism. This theory, brought about by Cuvier, says that the earth went through a great series of catastrophes. In his theory, Cuvier suggested that there was one big super continent. He said that the continents slowly drifted apart from one large continent by plate tectonics. Darwin had the chance to talk to all these people on his trip on the Beagle, and they gave him the idea to look into evolution. During Darwin's voyage on the Beagle, he stopped at the Galapagos Islands in September of 1835. This stop is very important in the formulation of his theory because he discovered that even though the islands were very close together, and each islands contained different species of animals, and each of the species was adapted to their specific environment. (Darwin, 20). Darwin didn't realize it at first, but he had found exactly what he was looking for in terms of how man evolved. 'Descent with Modification' was staring him in the face: the tortoises and finches were descendants of common ancestors, 'modified', as Darwin says, 'for different ends'. And so the popular story is that, confronting the inhabitants of the Galapagos, Darwin became an evolutionist. (Rachels, 21). This is only partly true, though. The finches were different species, but the tortoises were all variations of the species they belong to, but the thought about the finches was true. The upshot that is, although the visit to the Galapagos was, along with many other episodes on the Voyage of the Beagle, important in the undermining Darwin's faith in immutability, it was not critically important. (Darwin, 22). Darwin was very grateful to the Galapagos Islands because this is where he first became interested in evolution. This is also where he started the formulation of his theory, which is the theory of natural selection. The theory sees evolutionary changes as the

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Discussion Board Example

Discussion Board Example Discussion Board – Coursework Example February 7, Psychology Discussion Research can be done several ways. The paper delves on the research methods. The paperfocuses on the god-related research. Ungodly research should be avoided. Statement 1: â€Å"Research methods†¦godly.† The book of 1 John’s verse 1 espouses that we should not believe all spirit (Wiersbe, 2011). Instead, people should test whether each spirit is from God or not. The verse continues to state that many false prophets crop up in our world. The verse requires everyone to research whether someone who claims to be Christ or from God. Test can be done several ways (methods). One test is to use the statistics tools (Coolican, 2013). Statistics tools include variance analysis, mean, median, standard deviation or mode. Test can be done by asking confirmatory information from another person or source. During Christ’s time, the temple religious leaders believed Jesus blasphemed because Jesus claims to be God’s son. To test inc ludes determining whether the act of the person complies with God’s espoused concepts or instructions. Statement 2: â€Å"Research methods†¦ungodly.†Genesis 2, verse 17 affirms research methods can be ungodly (Wiersbe, 2011). The verse prohibits Adam and Eve to engaging in research, they are prohibited from determining whether God is telling the truth. God prohibits Adam and Eve from eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge. However, Adam and Eat became curious. The snake, Satan, convince the two humans to eat the fruit from the tree of life. Eating the fruit is one prohibited research method. One research method is to cook the apple before eating. Another research method is eating raw apple (not cooked). Based on the above verse discussions, research can be done in many ways. The bible espouses godly research. However, some individuals prefer ungodly research. Evidently, ungodly research must be evaded for being violating God’s instructions.References: Coolican, H. (2013). Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. New York: Routledge Press.Wiersbe, W. (2011). The Wiersbe Bible Study Series. New York: David Cook. Discussion Board Example Discussion Board – Article Example Graduate Undergraduate and Graduate School February 8, 2013Graduate vs. Undergrad I remember when I first entered undergraduate and I thought this is going to be fun. There will be many discussions and lectures and projects and I will learn what I want to do, but in graduate it is even more fun even though now I am in my chosen field graduate school is where I can make changes in my field to improve the many facets in education, administration and how the public views my field of study. I expect much more writing in graduate school than in undergraduate. There will be more analysis to go along with more lectures. These lectures will be mainly what the professors have contributed to the particular area of study, so this will lead to a lot more reading. In an undergraduate learning community you are learning all the basic information, the terminology of your field and it is the preparation for beginning work in your chosen field of study. The undergraduate community is where you are ma king connections with what is taught in the classroom and making connections with others in the fields. A graduate learning community is where you are reading, writing, and analyzing what is already in your field and you will be able to make possible changes and you will be able to ask questions about how you can go about making adjustments to the field. Graduate school is when you can share your own working experience in your field of study and to expand your knowledge and to see how you can make the necessary changes that you think are important.(Grand Canyon University, 2011) Graduate school is also a time to see if maybe you will want to teach or do research. Graduate school is the time that you can find different ways to improve learning in all fields of study. This is a time that students make judgments about their fields and look for more ideas that will improve their profession. ReferenceGrand Canyon University. â€Å"Being a Graduate Student† (Handout) Published by Grand Canyon University; (2011) Discussion Board Example Discussion Board – Article Example Ethical Use of Power in Management Power in the management context can be defined as the possession of command and control. It is defined as having authority over others who have low ranks and positions. The ethical use of power is usually governed by a set of morals and values. The person exercising the power employs ethical values and morals in order to exercise power ethically. Determining whether power has been used in an ethical way is a difficult exercise. This is because ethical behavior is a relative phenomenon. There is no clear cut line that distinguishes between ethical and unethical behavior. One uses their own discretion to determine what counts as ethical and what does not. Ethics and its application in management are determined by the conditions in the immediate environment, state of mind, timing and the current state of affairs.The ultimate goal of the attribution theory is to help a person, and in this case manager, to comprehend the reason behind a certain human beh avior. This is based on the fact that people need to link causes to behaviors as opposed to assuming that these behaviors are random. This theory fronts that supervisors should react in ways that bring out the positive attitudes of the subordinates (Martinko, 2006). Managers can mitigate the negative outcomes of political behavior by steering clear of taking political sides. Since he is the manager and the overall in charge, he should exercise restraint from leaning towards any political affiliation and should instead act as an authoritative father figure who unites all who are under him (Martinko, 2006).The people in the work environment are often less empowered because the managers exercise all the powers and decision making. This state can be improved by delegating duties to the various subordinates there by instilling a sense of belonging, empowerment and responsibility in them (Martinko, 2006).ReferenceMartinko, M. J. (2006). Attribution theory: an organizational perspective. N ew York: St. Lucie Press. Discussion Board Example Discussion Board – Coursework Example Finance and Accounting Discussion Board of Finance and Accounting Discussion Board PepsiCo is the company that is engaged in making beverages like soft drinks, juices, pure water, tea and energy drinks. Its brands are Tropicana, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, and others. Manufacturing businesses use different techniques in order to manage the cost so to achieve the main goal of the business to increase its profits. PepsiCo also requires Contemporary management technique to achieve its success factors. They have to work on the cost area for their purpose.The accountants of the company could play their role in minimizing the cost. Accountants are advised to apply standard costing method for the purpose. In this method, the expected cost is calculated at the time of purchasing raw material and before the manufacturing process is started. Although a variance is to be found between the actual cost and expected cost but it could be managed by the accountants later. Expected cost will provide help to the accountants to identify the selling price of the product after it is being manufactured. The help in determining the expected cost could be taken by the software as well in the modern world (Marie & Rao, 2010).Accountants could control the cost during the manufacturing process through the strategies such as economies of scale. Economies of scale refer to the units of the products to be manufactured so to set the cost at equilibrium point. The target set by the accountants that the units of products would be that could change later. For example, company has the target to produce 100000 liters of Pepsi but it is found that the units cost is not enough that it could not be recover the accountants could change the strategy (Shi, 2012). References ListMarie, A., & Rao, A. (2010). Is Standard Costing Still Relevant? Evidence from Dubai. Management Accounting Quarterly, 11(2), 1-10.Shi, H. (2012). Economies of scale in the Australian tourism industry. Applied Economics., 44(33), 13.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Joan of Arc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Joan of Arc - Essay Example (Lowell 28) From this time onward she received regular visitations from the archangel, and from Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret, who told her that her purpose was simply to help France. For several years she did not speak of the visions. It was only when they became more specific about what they wanted her to do that she was required to speak in order to establish her mission. From this is it obvious that her visions were not simply a method of attention-seeking, as she was in no hurry to reveal their existence until it was absolutely necessary. She lived with the voices for several years without acting upon what they told her, and was reluctant to speak of them at all. (Lowell 30) Perhaps this modesty was one way in which her authority became believable. One of the reasons Joan of Arc has become a legendary figure is that, as a French peasant girl she was able to gain the backing of the French king, and command the respect and obedience of an entire army. In 1428 the voices began to give her more specific instructions, and as a result she eventually gained an audience with Charles VII of France. (Hodges 2000) At this time, the influence of Charles VII had been steadily weakening, and this perhaps was a major factor in his decision to trust in her. Even if this is true, it is still impressive that she was able to command such influence over the French army. It is said that the Commanders of the army "supported her mostly because she was willing to aggressively fight the English, unlike the lethargic and distracted Royal Court". (Williamson 2003) Perhaps she was, initially, so firmly supported partially by default rather than due to any particular faith in her. Joan's main focus was the spiritual life of the army, and she may have bee n more a source of inspiration than of military tactics. (Williamson 2003) There are a number of cited instances where Joan herself appeared to have knowledge of events that had not yet occurred, or simply knowledge that she should have had no way of knowing. There are so many such stories that they have become part of an enduring legend that strengthens the image of Joan of Arc as divinely inspired. The fact that she was canonized after death only serves to enhance this image. The first such stories are about the incidents which enabled her to gain an audience with the Charles VII. She first went to Lord Robert de Baudricot, a garrison commander stationed near her village of Domremy, to request an escort to the king. Having previously sent her away twice, he fulfilled her third request after she accurately predicted a French defeat at Rouvray near Orleans. Next, she gained an audience with Charles VII, and he began to take her seriously after she related to him the details of a private prayer he had made several months earlier, in which he had asked God t o aid his cause. (Williamson 2003) There are many such incidents in history - Joan of Arc is said to have predicted numerous battles in which she took part, including that outside of Paris where she herself was wounded. (Williamson 2003) In matters of faith it is impossible to determine truth. One either believes, or does not. Because of this, one can say that truth is not the important factor in faith - what is relevant is the belief. In